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Upcoming events

Peggy will be teaching at the following conventions or other events in 2020 :




February 01 - Port City Basketry Weave In in Wilmington, NC

March 26 - 28 - North Carolina Basket-makers Association convention in Durham, NC.  THIS EVENT WAS CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19. 


April 16 - 18 - Stateline Friends Weaving Retreat in Richmond, Indiana  THIS EVENT WAS CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19

May 02 - Port City Guild weave in Wilmington, NC

June 16 - 20 - Bluegrass Area Basketry Seminar in Jabez, Kentucky

September 6 - 11 -  John C Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC

November 17 - 19 - Heritage Basketry Guild Fall Weave in Xenia, OH